Special Sailing Adjustment for Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal Route (27-29/12/2023)

Update as of 25/12/2023
In accordance with the Macau Government announcement, there have been adjustments to the construction plans for the Fourth Bridge Project. The originally scheduled control measures for the Outer Harbor Terminal, which were set to take effect on December 28, 2023, will be postponed.

In response to this arrangement, TurboJET will add special sailings to the Outer Harbor Ferry Terminal during the day sailing schedule. Meanwhile, the originally planned sailing arrangement from December 28 to 29 at Taipa Ferry Terminal will remain unchanged. Here are the details:


外港航班 Outer Harbour Sailings
香港往外港 HKG to Outer
07:30, 08:15, 08:45, 10:45, 11:45, 12:15, 14:15, 15:00, 15:30
外港往香港 Outer to HKG
09:00, 10:00, 10:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:00, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00

氹仔航班 Taipa Sailings

香港往氹仔 HKG to Taipa
夜航 Night Sailings
氹仔往香港 Taipa to HKG
夜航 Night Sailings
18:00、19:00、20:00、21:00、22:00 、23:00、23:59
航班取消 Sailing Cancellation:
• 香港 往 外港 HKG to Outer 23:30
• 澳門 Macau <=>蛇口 Shekou
• 澳門 Macau <=> 深圳 Shenzhen


增設氹仔往香港航班 Additional sailing from Taipa to HKG

航班取消 Sailing Cancellation:

外港 往 香港 Outer to HKG 07:30 08:30



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